The Greenwych's Cottage

Location: Oklahoma, United States

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Today's Thoughts

Well, another Pagan Pride Day has come and gone in Batesville and according to the posts on another board everything went quite well. I was hoping that everything would go smoothly. Batesville may be across the state but it serves as a type of gauge for possible actions and reactions towards Pagans everywhere by the religious right. I really wonder if they realize how badly they appear to everyone else with the constant spouting of religous rhetoric that means little to nothing to those who don't follow or adhere to their particular brand of religious thought? Do they realize that the world sees them as infantile, ridiculous, and possibly even dangerous? Most of us just want to get along and be left alone to worship as we chose, not have religious decisions made for us by others. This is still America, isn't it?